


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law of Subsidies under the GATT/WTO System by Marc Benitah

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 659
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Butterworths Core Text: Evidence by Roderick Munday

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 660
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Breach of Trust by Peter Birks and Adrianna Pretto (eds)

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 662
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Indonesian Security Interests: Analysis over Undang-Undang Hak Tanggungan and Undang-Undang Fidusia by Iming M Tesalonika

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 665
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Commonwealth Construction Cases – The Singapore Perspective by Philip CF Chan

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 667
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Encounters with Singapore Legal History: Essays in Memory of Geoffrey Wilson Bartholomew by KevinY.L. Tan and Michael Hor, eds.

    Citation: [2009] Sing JLS 671
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Secured Transactions Reform and Access to Credit by Frederique Dahan and John Simpson, eds.

    Citation: [2009] Sing JLS 674
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Exploring Contract Law by Jason W. Neyers, Richard Bronaugh and Stephen G.A. Pitel, eds.

    Citation: [2009] Sing JLS 677
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Constitutional Law in Malaysia and Singapore by Kevin Tan, Yeo Tiong Min and Lee Kiat Seng

    Citation: [1993] Sing JLS 681
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Revenue Law in Singapore and Malaysia, Cases and Commentary (2nd Edition) by Leo D Pointon

    Citation: [1993] Sing JLS 683