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  • CALS-TRAIL Virtual Roundtable on Asian Law: COVID-19 and Data Privacy in Asia

CALS-TRAIL Virtual Roundtable on Asian Law: COVID-19 and Data Privacy in Asia

July 16, 2020 | In the News

This joint Roundtable between CALS and TRAIL saw A/P Daniel Seng moderate a panel consisting of Deputy Director TRAIL, A/P Chang Ee-Chien, Hannah Yee-Fen Lim (NTU), Thomas Chen (National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan), and Won Bok Lee (Ewha Law School, Korea), on the topic of the balance between public health and data protection. A/P Chang spoke about the workings of Singapore’s SafeEntry and TraceTogether systems, contrasting these against the contact tracing approaches of Taiwan and Korea