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Class of 1992 Reunion

June 1, 2017 | Alumni

By Judy Chang ’92

Nostalgia struck early on the evening of our 25th anniversary as several organising committee members struggled to carry the large anniversary cake from the Suntec bakery across the Nicoll Highway to the Alchemist Beer Lab at South Beach. This brought back memories of doing manual chores prepping for Law Orientation, and set the tone for the evening. The 70-odd attendees (special thanks to those who made the trip from Japan, Hong Kong, Brunei, Malaysia etc) probably felt transported back to our Law School days and we became the 20-something year olds again as we reminisced, laughed and teased one another. We debated whether the nametags provided by NUS Law were necessary and unanimously concluded that the font size should be increased at the next reunion.

The Class of 1992 remembered the less fortunate as well in our celebrations and we are raising funds for two causes. Firstly, we are establishing a bursary for the less privileged law students as the cost of a legal education has increased 5-6 times since we attended law school. This bursary will help defray the cost of legal education for some needy students. Secondly, there is a collection towards a special fund under the Law Society Pro Bono Referral Scheme to assist vulnerable persons without family support, apply for professional deputies to manage their affairs, particularly their medical care. Anyone who is interested in contributing, please contact Ms Goh Mia Yang ( and Mr Vijai Parwani ( for the bursary and the referral scheme respectively. Contributions to the bursary may also be made conveniently via this online link:,Faculty+of+Law.

As the American essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” My hope is that with the ripple effect of an official reunion, we may rekindle old friendships and continue to maintain the ones that we have cultivated. See you at our 30th!

For more pictures of the reunion, click here.