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“Copyright Limitations and Exceptions” Study Presented to WIPO

February 16, 2017 | In the News

Associate Professor Daniel Seng ’92 was recently invited to present a study to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). The study presented was focused on the copyright limitations and exceptions relating to educational institutions of all 189 member states of WIPO.  

The 1,009 page study further seeks to understand how national legislatures have balanced the public interest in advancing education with the interests of authors and artists in their intellectual creations, against the context of the international treaties and instruments on copyright and related rights. It was described as “a major study”, “magnum opus”, “monumental study”, “epic”, “mind-boggling scale” and “exhaustive” which “no one has ever produced”.  

Associate Professor Seng’s work on this study has been well appreciated in international IP circles, from publishers, educational institutions and NGOs. The SCCR is an international committee made up of copyright experts from all 189 member states of WIPO and observers, and they help to formulate legal and policy recommendations for international copyright law reform. WIPO is an agency of the United Nations, whose responsibility is the development of a balanced and effective international intellectual property system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of the global community. 

The study is now available here.  

Reports on the study:

International Publishers Association

The Society of American Archivists


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