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Dean’s List & Awards 2016

September 19, 2016 | Student

On 19 September, NUS Law held its annual awards presentation ceremony that saw students, parents, donors and law professors come together to celebrate the academic achievements of its students. Certificates were presented to students on the Dean’s List and those who topped a myriad of compulsory and elective subjects.

In his welcome address, Dean Professor Simon Chesterman, said: “You have all done well in terms of grades and that sets you in a strong position. But this is perhaps a good time to remind you that grades are actually not always a good predictor of success in life. Not only are critical and analytical skills very important, but also your ability to communicate, to work with and mobilise a team.”

In particular, representatives from the following donor organisations, after whom a number of prizes were named, joined in the celebration: Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), Singapore Academy of Law, Shook Lin & Bok, Maritime Law Association of Singapore and National University of Singapore Society. Former NUS law professor Tan Keng Feng, who has the Law of Torts prize named after him, was also in attendance.

The complete Dean’s List and prize winners for Academic Year 2015-16 may be found at

All the photographs from the event may be viewed at

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