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Picnic under the Stars: A Night of Fun and Fellowship

August 15, 2013 | Student
Opening act M & eMs performing on stage.

Celebrating the end of matriculation week was ‘Picnic under the Stars’ – a cozy get-together for freshmen to kick off their shoes and relax to a night of fun and music. Led by emcees Liew Wei Lin and Charis Wong, the crowd enjoyed the performances by acts such as M & eMs, Ch’ng and the Bengs, WahWahWeeWah and OG1:K. In addition, the event also saw the selection of a new Law King and Law Queen following segments where contestants had to showcase their poise, wit and talent to an esteemed panel of judges. After an audience vote, Jonathan Wah Yi Liang and Soh Gill were crowned Law King and Law Queen respectively.

Law King, Jonathan Wah Yi Liang posing with Law Queen, Soh Gill at the crowning ceremony.
The pageant contestants posing with the judges in a final group shot.
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