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  • 1st place (Team of Mediators) goes to NUS Law for the UCF Conciliator Mediation Tournament held in Florida!

1st place (Team of Mediators) goes to NUS Law for the UCF Conciliator Mediation Tournament held in Florida!

April 13, 2022 | Student

(L to R): Samuel Tay Zi Bin ’25, Clement Yew Yee Han ’24, Muhammad Syazwan Bin Ramli ’24

Congratulations Muhammad Syazwan Bin Ramli ’24, Clement Yew Yee Han ’24 and Samuel Tay Zi Bin ’25 for achieving excellent results at the first annual UCF Conciliator Mediation Tournament!

Overall, the team achieved 1st and 3rd place in the Mediation Team and Advocate/Client Team categories, respectively! For the individual achievements, Samuel achieved 5th Place (Individual Mediator) out of 27 individual mediators, while Syazwan and Clement achieved 3rd Place (Outstanding Advocate/Client Pair) out of 27 pairs.

The competition was held in-person from 1-2 April 2022, at the University of Central Florida. The team underwent three rounds of mediation, mediating and negotiating disputes across a variety of topics such as family matters, worker’s rights and compensation, and business-consumer negligence. The competition, which allowed only 30 minutes of preparation with Confidential Information per round, ensured that the team leaned on their technical abilities and teamwork throughout the competition.

The NUS Law team went up against 8 other teams represented by multiple universities across the USA, and was the only participating team from outside of the USA.

The team would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to their coaches Ong Hui Wen ’22 and Shao Xun ’21 for taking time out of their extremely busy schedules to guide the team. None of this would have been possible without their generous and unwavering support.

The team would also like to thank the following persons who have helped them in preparation for this competition: Joel See ’23, Euodia Chi ’23, Charmaine Chong ’24, Edwin Chan ’24, Sarfaroj Ahmed Malik ’25, Celester Tan ’24, Melvin Seto ’25, Seth Tay ’25, Chloe Kho ’25, Jotham Ng ’24, Caleb Lim ’24, and Suranjana Sinharoy ’24.

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