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New Alumni Group for Graduates of the NUS Double Degree Programme

July 1, 2016 | Alumni
Among the first batch of law students to graduate with a double degree, Grace Goh ’10 shares her memories, and her plans to establish an alumni network for graduates of the NUS double degree programme.

Can you tell us a bit about your work at the AGC, and what do you enjoy most about your job?
I am a Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Attorney-General’s Chambers. I now handle white-collar crime and am part of the Financial and Technology Crime Division. I used to prosecute corruption and crimes against the person. The best part about my job is that it gives me immense satisfaction knowing that I am working to make Singapore a better and safer place. Litigation is also an exhilarating experience I would encourage all undergraduates to be open to trying.

You were in the pioneer batch of the Double Degree Programme (DDP). What made you decide to take it on, and what course did you choose?
I thoroughly enjoyed Economics in my junior college days and when NUS first launched the Double Degree Programme I thought it was a great fit for my interests. Besides, getting an additional degree for an additional year’s work sounds like an excellent deal.

What was your biggest challenge in doing a DDP and how did you overcome it?
As we were the pioneer batch, we did not have seniors we could rely on for advice. My batch mates and I learnt how to make the most out of the situation and persisted in pursuing what we wanted. This is why I am inspired to form an alumni group to provide a network amongst alumnae as well as support the current undergraduates as they go through the programme.

How has doing the DDP benefited you in your career?
It allowed me to be comfortable with numbers, something most lawyers dread. Economic thought is also surprisingly complementary to legal thought and anyone interested can simply pick up a book on ‘Economic Analysis of Law’ to find out more.

Any message/call to alumni from the DDP programme?
I am linking up with NUS Office of Alumni Relations to form an official alumni group for all DDPs, regardless of their second degree. It would be a great way to keep in touch with fellow DDPs, and moving forward, there are plans to mentor undergraduates as well as contribute to the faculty. If you are interested, please email me at to find out more.