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Congratulations to the Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice (GCCJ) Class of 2023!

September 19, 2023 | Faculty
Congratulations to the GCCJ Class of 2023 on the conferment of their Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice!


A graduation ceremony was held on 24 August to mark the conclusion of the 6th run of the Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice (GCCJ) Programme. The GCCJ Programme is a collaboration between the Home Team Academy, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation and the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Law, with the support of the Attorney-General’s Chambers, to prepare senior Home Team officers for future challenges in criminal investigations.

Associate Professor Arif Jamal (Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies, NUS Law) giving the welcome remarks

In his welcome remarks, Associate Professor Arif Jamal, the Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies, stated: “We look forward to seeing what you do with the credentials you earn today. I hope that it spurs you on to greater achievements and that you will be role models for future participants in the programme and in your respective services.”

At the GCCJ Graduation Ceremony held on 24 August 2023, Mr How Kwang Hwee, Deputy Commissioner (Investigation & Intelligence), who is concurrently the Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force, the Ministry of Home Affairs, awarded the certificates to the 6th batch of GCCJ students, as follows:

Amanda Lee Wei Ann Lim Wee Chern Tan Chin Hock
Chew Jingwei Lim Wee Kee Tan Kok Meng
Chin Wee Kay Lawrence Mohamad Nafis Bin Ahmad Dali Tan Lye Cheng, Michelle
Chong Wan Ling, Doreen Mohamad Noor Bin Aboe Bakar Teo Poh Boon, Shawn
Chua Wei Jing, Randy Mohammad Amin Majid Thia Yang Shen
Gordon Chey Wai Mun Mohammad Nuremi Bin Kamsani Thinagaran S/O S Krishnasamy
Han Teck Kwong Navinder Singh Yap Hong Hock, Harry
Jakki Lim Ng Xiang Ning Crystal Yow Kien Seng
Leck Shiang Jia Tan Boon Kok Yue Rui Sheng
Lee Tien Huat
Mr How Kwang Hwee, the Deputy Commissioner (Investigation & Intelligence) and Director of the Criminal Investigation Department at the Singapore Police Force, addressing the graduating class on their achievements and future contributions to Home Team

Commending the graduates for their resilience, grit and discipline, Mr How stated that the Police Force is operating in an environment that is constantly evolving, requiring the need for investment in multiple and diverse pathways for academic and skills upgrading for officers, so that they are motivated and supported to continuously upgrade, reskill and retool themselves to maintain a high level of performance. Mr How expressed his optimism that the graduates are now augmented and equipped to become more effective leaders, guide subordinates and peers better, have a renewed and diverse perspective in respond to emerging and dynamically evolving crimes, and to actively participate in Home Team’s legislative and policy reviews.

Assistant Professor Benny Tan ‘12 (GCCJ Programme Director) giving his congratulatory speech

Mr Thia Yang Shen from the Commercial Affairs Department and Mr Leck Shiang Jia from the Clementi Division were awarded the Singapore Police Force Special Prizes for topping the programme.

Mr Thia Yang Shen (right), the top student, receiving the SPF Prize from Mr How Kwang Hwee


As the Class Valedictorian, Mr Chew Jingwei spoke of gratitude, thanking the instructors, bosses, administrators, family members and fellow classmates. He highlighted that it was the team effort from all stakeholders that enabled the successful graduation of all from the 6th GCCJ batch.

Mr Chew Jingwei, the Class Valedictorian

We wish the GCCJ Class of 2023 every success in their future!

The GCCJ Class of 2023 with Mr How Kwang Hwee (centre) between Associate Professor Arif Jamal and Mr Michael Ang (Director, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation, Singapore Police Force, the Ministry of Home Affairs), and distinguished guests from NUS Law and the Ministry of Home Affairs