Pro Bono Grants


In recognition of the benefits of pro bono and community service by NUS Law students and to further develop this culture in NUS Law, the Class of 2017 decided to use the proceeds from their Law IV 2017 Production to set up the Class of 2017 Pro Bono Grant at NUS Law. All donations and proceeds from the Law IV 2017 Production (net of deductions for production expenses) have been channeled towards the Grant. The first grant was awarded in 2017 for projects due to occur in AY2018/2019.

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Project Legal Awareness for Youths (PLAY) Mentorship Programme
The aim of this project is to mentor and empower students to be more confident individuals by conducting legal workshops that are centred on legal topics such as Drugs and Addictions, The Need for Rules, Mediation, Pornography, Cyberbullying, and Harassment. Students will meet youths weekly to conduct the workshop sessions and during school holidays to conduct a 2-day in-person workshops dedicated to inculcate the youths with mediation skills and legal awareness of the current Singapore laws coupled with games, activities and bonding sessions. Our students have found that such sessions allow the youths to gradually become more confident in sharing their thoughts, be active listeners, and generally to become excited to participate in the activities. 

Project Law & You
It aims to promote Access to Justice by providing migrant domestic workers (MDWs) with the relevant legal information to understand their rights and liabilities while they are working in Singapore through legal workshops.

Project Law & You
The goals of this project are for students to cultivate their passion for pro bono; for them to have hands-on exposure to pro bono work; to facilitate and encourage interaction with migrant domestic workers (MDWs); and to train students in improving their interpersonal skills. The aim for Project Law & You is to raise legal awareness for MDWs by conducting legal workshops in collaboration with MOM, and run legal clinics. The beneficiaries and partners in this project are the Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ACMI), the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training (FAST) and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Project Legal Awareness for Youths (PLAY) Mentorship Programme
PLAY Mentorship is a project partnered with SHINE Children and Youth Services where beneficiaries are students in SHINE's Youth COP (Community Outreach Patrol) program which has youth crime prevention as its goal. The grant is used on teaching materials to keep students consistently captivated, to provide them with food and drinks during organised activities, and to purchase various incentives given out to participants to encourage their participation in different activities and in making improvements to the mentor - mentee experience in the programme. 

Students for Migrants – Law & You
Law & You aims to raise awareness of legal rights, liabilities and responsibilities, and of self-help remedies like negotiation as a means of conflict resolution, via legal workshops for Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs). Workshops detailing topics of salary matters, ending work, criminal law, money lending, negotiation and wellbeing are held to raise FDWs' awareness of their own legal rights while providing them with possible legal solutions and hotlines to call for legal assistance. This year the students will translate the PowerPoint slides that they use during their legal training sessions with the new FDWs into the FDWs' predominant native language.

PLAY Mentorship Programme
This project focuses on mentoring at risk Secondary two students to empower them to be more confident. The beneficiary is SHINE Children and Youth Services. The project involves members conducting legal workshops centered on drugs and addictions, need for rules, mediation, pornography, cyberbullying, and harassment.

Students for Migrants - Law & You
Law & You aims to raise awareness of legal rights, liabilities and responsibilities, and of self-help remedies like negotiation as a means of conflict resolution via legal workshops for Foreign Domestic Workers ("FDWs"). Additionally, the project seeks to inculcate the importance of pro bono in students and promote interactions with FDWs so that students can empathies with the challenges FDWs face when working in another country. This year's project will also involve translating and printing helpful booklets to be disseminated to the FDWs. The booklets will cover the topics raised during the legal workshops.

Enterprise Pro Bono
NUS Law students are working on developing resources that assist start-ups in navigating the legal challenges they will face in areas of corporate structuring, intellectual property and other legal considerations.

Students for Migrants
NUS Law students engage with migrant workers on legal awareness programmes, including educating the migrant workers about their legal rights.

Legal Education and Awareness Programme
This project brings legal awareness to youths-at-risk through peer learning, where NUS Law students run interactive workshops on specific topics.

The Necessary Good
This is a social enterprise project that seeks to benefit underprivileged individuals. The project aims to equip the underprivileged with the skills to be able to develop new craft skills, which can be used by them to earn income. The target group is a group of women who have sought to break out of the sex trade to establish alternative ways to make a living.