
  • Publications
  • 2023. Securities and Financial Services Regulation

2023. Securities and Financial Services Regulation

Year of Publication: 2024
Month of Publication: 4
Author(s): Hans Tjio
Research Area(s): Financial/Securities Regulation
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper 2024/004
NUS EW Barker Centre for Law & Business Working Paper 24/02

WPS Paper Number: EWBCLB-WPS-2402

As has been the case for a number of years now, there were few reported court cases in 2023 that one would see as directly implicating securities and financial regulation. Nevertheless, there were court decisions which had an impact on the overall development of securities law and financial regulation with regard to market manipulation, the rights of beneficial owners of listed companies, and the interplay between private law and public regulation in the context of bank regulation, secured transactions, and cryptocurrency.