
  • Publications
  • Essentials of Corporate Law & Governance in Singapore (2nd Edition)

Essentials of Corporate Law & Governance in Singapore (2nd Edition)

Year of Publication: 2022
Month of Publication: 12
Author(s): Lan Luh Luh
Research Area(s): Corporate Law
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell

A high standard of corporate governance is essential to continue building Singapore’s reputation as a regional and global hub for businesses. Over the two decades, Singapore companies made much progress in their corporate governance practices. However, businesses now operate in an increasingly complex environment, with disruptive changes challenging traditional business models. It is of paramount importance for Singapore companies to steadily uplift and improve their own corporate governance practices, not only in letter but also in spirit, in order to stay ahead in this business environment. In the local regulatory landscape, the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance has undergone a major revision in August 2018 and some corporate governance disclosures and practices are now mandatory. With the enactment of new pieces of legislation (e.g. the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 and Variable Capital Act 2018) and the passing of amendment acts, Companies Act of 1967 has also been amended many times. Finally, Singapore courts have issued landmark judgments in the area of company law, such as Independent State of Papua New Guinea v PNG Sustainable Development Program Ltd [2020] 2 SLR 200 and Miao Weiguo v Tendcare Medical Group Holdings Pte Ltd [2021] SCGA 116.