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  • A Family Night Out for our Alumni

A Family Night Out for our Alumni

August 31, 2013 | School

Over 100 people attended the Alumni Family Day on the 31 August 2013 organised by NUS Law. An enjoyable evening of fun, food and games kicked off to much fanfare as the crowd surged to the booths offering activities for children such as face painting, Jenga block stacking and balloon sculpting.

A palpable sense of excitement permeated the air as the children gleefully bounced around in the inflatable castle which boasted an exterior adorned with colourful slides. Helium-filled balloons in red, orange and blue which were given out in generous numbers brought a burst of colours to the event space at the upper quadrangle. For those in search of food, they were not let down by the myriad gastronomic temptations like the popcorn and candy floss corner, a booth for Udders ice-cream and a Ramly burger store selling fish balls and cheesy sausages on sticks which drew the longest queue. At the drinks section, there was access to a free flow of beer courtesy of Brewerkz and the NUS Students’ Law Club.

Amidst all the reunion banter and exclamations of how different one looked compared to their days at NUS, the movie screening of “Legally Blonde” added more laughs to this joyous occasion. Starring Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, the movie portrayed sorority girl’s struggles to win back her ex-boyfriend through earning a law degree at Harvard. One wonders if anyone has done that at NUS Law! Having a good chuckle under the stars over some popcorn, NUS Law Alumnus Ang Ching Pin certainly feels the family day “was a meaningful and fun way to catch up with old friends together with our families.”

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