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  • Asian Law Institute holds Inaugural Distinguished Lecture

Asian Law Institute holds Inaugural Distinguished Lecture

December 6, 2019 | Programmes
Professor Guo Li (Vice Dean, International Affairs, Peking University Law School) delivering his lecture

The Asian Law Institute (ASLI) was honoured to have Professor Guo Li deliver its inaugural Distinguished Lecture. Professor Guo is currently a Vice Dean of Peking University Law School, the Chief Editor of Peking University Law Journal, and a Subject Editor of the Asian Journal of Comparative Law. The lecture was held on 6 December 2019 at NUS Law.

Prof Guo critically discussed the historical evolution of China’s stock market and introduced several new markets launched in recent years including the ChiNext (Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 2009) and the STAR Market (Shanghai Stock Exchange, 2019). He shared many insights from his own experience as the chairman of the listing committee of the STAR Market. His talk however focused mostly on the amendments to the PRC Securities Law, which covered a much expanded scope on the definition of securities, the shift from a merit-based to a disclosure-based regulatory approach, and enhanced powers granted to the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), China’s watchdog for its stock market, for enforcing securities law.

The inaugural ASLI Distinguished Lecture
Associate Professor Kelry Loi ’99 (Co-Director, ASLI) introducing ASLI’s Distinguished Lecture Series
Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, NUS Law) welcoming Professor Guo Li to NUS Law
Associate Professor Wang Jiangyu (Director, ASLI) introducing Professor Guo Li
Professor Hans Tjio (Director, EW Barker Centre for Law & Business) commenting on Professor Guo Li’s lecture
L-R: Professor Hans Tjio (Director, EW Barker Centre for Law & Business), Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, NUS Law), Associate Professor Kelry Loi ’99 (Co-Director, ASLI), Professor Guo Li (Vice Dean, International Affairs, Peking University Law School), Associate Professor Wang Jiangyu (Director, ASLI), Assistant Professor Lin Lin LLM ’06 PhD ’10 (NUS Law), Associate Professor Dan Puchniak (Director, Centre for Asian Legal Studies) and Associate Professor Gary Bell (NUS Law).
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