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Class of 1997 20th Anniversary Reunion

August 1, 2017 | Faculty

By Jo-Ann Marie Chan ’97

On Friday 28th July 2017, more than 70 classmates from the Class of 1997 – some of whom had not stepped into the campus for the last 20 years – gathered at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House. It was wonderful to see so many familiar, friendly faces and we had a blast catching up on each other’s lives and rekindling old friendships. Much to everyone’s amusement, an impromptu, tongue-in-cheek poll was conducted (ascertaining who was still in practice, who had gone in-house, who was no longer doing law, those with 4 or more kids, etc), which really brought the class together and updated everyone instantly. Special thanks must go to my fellow Organising Committee members for spreading the word and rounding up the troops, thus ensuring a fantastic turnout and a very memorable evening! And thank you to everyone for making the time and effort to come, particularly those who travelled from afar. We hope to see many more of you at our next reunion!

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