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Dean’s List and Awards Ceremony 2015

September 21, 2015 | Student
Valedictorian Chew Chin Seng receives award from Dean Simon Chesterman

It was a proud day for some 150 students and their parents who attended the Dean’s List and Awards ceremony on 21 September 2015. This annual event honours students who are in the top 10 percent of their graduating cohort (Dean’s List), and those who have won individual subject prizes.

The ceremony was graced by Guest-of-Honour and donor, Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large. We were also honoured to host donors from Shook Lin & Bok, Sweet & Maxwell Asia and APAA who have all sponsored prizes. Dean Simon Chesterman acknowledged the important contribution that donors make through contributions to Awards and Prizes in encouraging NUS Law students to excel in their studies.

Dean Chesterman then invited students to acknowledge their parents’ support and sacrifices over the years with a round of hearty applause. He added that the calibre of NUS Law students seems to improve with each intake from the way they articulate their arguments. Observing that while academic achievements are important, he encouraged students to enjoy a healthy and balanced social life.

Beaming brighter than the students were their parents who had taken time out to attend the event. Mrs Chan, whose son Wesley Chan ’15 is on the Dean’s List in his final year, says: “Wesley has been very focused and enjoys his law studies. He has found his niche, so that works out well for him. We are all very happy.”

Having just graduated from NUS Law, Wesley said that his biggest hurdle at NUS Law was keeping up his confidence. He explained that studying at the law school can be very competitive since most law students who are admitted to NUS Law boast an impressive track record of academic excellence. He said, “I only found my confidence later in the game. I got to this point through a lot of pain and mistakes, and a lot of ‘not-so-good’ grades. But I made it with a lot of perseverance.”

NUS Law congratulates all of our students who are on the Dean’s List and those who are Prize recipients!

For the list of recipients, please visit:

Benjamin Foo – Winner of NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize
Professor Simon Chesterman, Dean of NUS Law
Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large, with Associate Professor David Tan, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

For more pictures of the event, click here.

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