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Dean’s List & Awards Ceremony 2022

September 22, 2022 | Faculty, Student
Donors at the Prize Ceremony listening to the Welcome Speech by the Dean, Professor Simon Chesterman

With the relaxation of most COVID-19 protocols, it was sheer joy to be able to celebrate our students’ achievements in the past Academic Year 2021/2022 at the Dean’s List & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 22 September 2022. In place of masks and safe distancing were smiles abounding and handshakes aplenty, as students, parents, donors and faculty members filled the Auditorium for this highly anticipated event in the law school’s calendar.

Associate Professor Eleanor Wong ’85 kicking off the ceremony

Vice Dean of Student Life and Global Relations, Associate Professor Eleanor Wong ’85, kicked off the proceedings by extending a warm welcome to guests. Professor Simon Chesterman then gave his opening remarks in which he acknowledged three groups of people without whom the day would not be possible – the donors who have generously supported academic excellence by establishing prizes, the parents who were present in full force to cheer on their kids, and finally the students themselves for their hard work and perseverance.

More than 20 donors attended the ceremony and were invited onstage to present their prizes to the students.  Many were delighted at the opportunity to meet and mingle with the prize winners after the ceremony, and also to catch up with their former teachers and others in the NUS Law community. The donors or their representatives who attended the ceremony, and the prizes they presented, were:

  • Mr Ahmad Nizam Abbas & Ms Halijah Mohamad ’83 (Ahmad Ibrahim Prize in Islamic Law)
  • Mr Kai-Niklas Schneider, Managing Partner, Clifford Chance Pte Ltd & Ms Joan Lim-Casanova ’06, Partner, Cavenagh Law LLP (Clifford Chance Prize in International Commercial Arbitration)
  • Associate Professor Wee Meng Seng ’93 (Francis Reynolds Prize in Domestic & International Sale of Goods)
  • Mr Azri Imran Tan ’15, Partner, I.R.B. Law LLP (I.R.B. Law Prize in Trial Advocacy)
  • Mr Mark Lim ’94, Chief Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS Prize in Foundations of IP Law)
  • Associate Professor Jaclyn Neo ’03 (James Low Hong Ping LLM Prize)
  • Mr Christopher Tan ’00, Partner, K&L Gates Straits Law LLC (K&L Gates Straits Law Prize in Legal Analysis, Research & Communication)
  • Mr Chia Boon Teck, Council Member, The Law Society of Singapore (Law Society of Singapore Prize)
  • Associate Professor Tracey Evans Chan ’97 (Leong Wai Kum Prize in Family Law)
  • Ms Chew Gek Khim ’84 (Lucien Wong Prize for Corporate Finance Law)
  • Assistant Professor Benny Tan ’12 (Most Improved Student Award)
  • Professor Joel Lee & Mr Melvin Loh Guo Wei ’11 (Peacemakers’ Prize in Mediation)
  • Professor Tommy Koh ’61 (Koh Han Kok Prize for Public International Law & Bernard Brown Prize in Constitutional & Administrative Law)
  • Mr Chong Ik Wei ’98, Managing Partner & Mr Eugene Tan ’00, Partner, Clyde & Co Clasis Singapore Pte. Ltd (Clyde & Co Clasis Prize in Introduction to Legal Theory)
  • Mr Chong Ik Wei & Susana Lim ’97 (Chong Ik Wei & Susana Lim Prize in Law of Insurance)
  • Mr Leong Kah Wah ’90, President, & Mr Bazul Ashab, Vice President, The Maritime Law Association of Singapore (Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Carriage of Goods by Sea & Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Charterparties)
  • Mr Kelvin Poon ’00, Deputy Managing Partner, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP (Rajah & Tann Singapore Prize in Corporate Deals, Rajah & Tann Asia Prize in Legal Systems of Asia, Rajah & Tann Singapore Prize in Corporate Insolvency, Rajah & Tann Technologies Prize in Privacy & Data Protection Law & Rajah & Tann Singapore Tax Prize )
  • Mr Yang Eu Jin ’97,Partner, RHTLaw Asia LLP (RHTLaw Asia Prize in Securities and Capital Markets Regulation)

Close to a hundred students made it onto the Dean’s List and more than fifty awards were given out, with some students winning multiple awards. Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed a buffet lunch and made full use of the opportunity to capture the proud moment in photos with family and friends. Our heartiest congratulations to our students!

Mr Ahmad Nizam and Ms Halijah Mohamad ’83, presenting the newly established Ahmad Ibrahim Prize in Islamic Law to Wu Yulun ’22
Associate Professor Jaclyn Neo ’03, presenting the newly established James Low Hong Ping LLM Prize to Huang Peide ’16, LLM (Maritime Law) ’22
Mr Leong Kah Wah ’90 (President) and Mr Bazul Ashab (Vice President) from the Maritime Law Association of Singapore presenting the Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Carriage of Goods by Sea and Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Charterparties to Wong Weitao ’22

Some of our students who were placed on the Dean’s List in AY21/22

Prize winners capturing the moment with family and friends







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