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Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony 2015

August 3, 2015 | Student

On 3 August, NUS Law welcomed more than 250 hopeful undergraduates at the Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony. Smartly dressed in black and white, the freshman took their first steps towards their future in the law.

Dean Simon Chesterman delivered a welcome message to the students and encouraged them to make the most of their experience at NUS Law, socially and intellectually.

The Guest-of-Honour, Mr Thio Shen Yi, President of the Law Society of Singapore and a founding partner of TSMP Law Corporation. Mr Thio talked about the qualities that students need to cultivate to be good lawyers.

Students also got a glimpse into what they can expect academically at NUS Law, as Vice Dean (Academic Affairs), Associate Professor David Tan, discussed academic expectations and the strictly enforced rules on plagiarism. Associate Professor Eleanor Wong, Vice Dean (Student Affairs) talked about student life in NUS Law and how “not too much” should be their mantra.

Welcome to NUS Law!

Guest-of-Honour, Mr Thio Shen Yi, President of the Law Society of Singapore and a founding partner of TSMP Law Corporation
Dean Simon Chesterman presents a token of appreciation to Mr Thio Shen Yi
Associate Professor David Tan, Vice Dean (Academic Affairs)
Associate Professor Eleanor Wong, Vice Dean (Student Affairs)
James Kwong, president of NUS Law Club addressing the Freshmen
Part of the Matric Week organising committee

Fresh faces of NUS Law:


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