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Graduation Ceremony 2019: Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice

November 14, 2019 | Student

Congratulations to the GCCJ Class of 2019 on the conferment of their Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice!

The GCCJ Programme is a collaboration between the Home Team Academy, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation and NUS Law, with the support of the Attorney-General’s Chambers, to prepare senior Home Team officers for the future challenges of criminal investigations.

At the GCCJ Graduation Ceremony held on 14 November 2019, Mr Amrin Amin ’03 (Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of Health) awarded the certificates to the 2nd batch of GCCJ students. The following are the 41 Senior Investigation Officers from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) who graduated:

Abu Sufyan Jamil Phua Kia Jong, Alvin
Alan Kit Kwee Wei Ramesh Vincent S/O Kasavalu
Ang Ghim Sing Ray Rikesh Chand Rai
Burhanudeen Bin Haji Hussainar Roger Leong Teck Huat
Cheong Li Juan, Hannah Seah Pei Hsia Doreen
Cheong Shiyong, Malcolm Seet Hui Li
Chew Sook Yeng Shahrizal Bin Abdol Salam
Connie Seek Shrmani Bin Abdol Hamid
Fariz Bin Mohamad Noor Sia Zhi Siong John
Foo Fang Chee Sim Ngin Kit
Goh Mia Khiang Sim Pek Kiang, Javier
Huang Yixia Siti Haira Binte Batra
Lee Kim Siah Soo Lai Choon
Lee Thai Ching, Sam Subashiyni Ramakrishnan
Lim Kok Seong Tan Chia Wei Eddie
Lin Boyuan Tee Cheong Siang
Mahathir Bin Mohamad Then Lee Yong
Mohamed Razif S/O Abdul Majid Theresa Wong Hui Si
Mohammad Fareed Bin Rahmat Zhang Yiwen
Ng Jun Wen Zulkifli Bin Abdul Rahim
Ng Pei Rong Jeffrey

DSP Sia Zhi Siong John and ASP Lin Boyuan from the SPF and ASP Huang Yixia from the Ministry of Home Affairs were awarded the SPF Special Prizes for topping the class.

Reflecting on his journey in the programme, DSP Sia Zhi Siong John stated: “The course is highly relevant to criminal investigators as it allows us to better appreciate the application of law and avoid potential pitfalls when conducting investigations. Further, the course was not conducted in a monotonous one-way lecture. Often, the instructors would engage the class with thought-provoking issues and there would be lively discussion and sharing by the class members. Every seminar is interactive. The sharing by the class members, who are investigators from myriad backgrounds, will allow one to gain new insights and knowledge. Most of all, the instructors are committed teachers of law. I feel privileged to have been part of this course to interact and learn directly from top law academics, senior state counsels and even a former Attorney-General.”

Addressing the Graduating Class, the GCCJ Course Director, Mr Benny Tan ’12 said, “I hope you will take with you three concrete things from this course. Firstly, and most obviously, an upgrade in terms of your legal knowledge. Secondly, an upgrade in your softer skills such as your reasoning and analytical ability, your writing ability, your understanding of the underlying rationale behind the law, and your ability to apply the law to unfamiliar situations. Given how fast paced the world is moving, I very much believe these softer skills are going to be the most important moving forward. Finally, we hope that with a much deeper understanding of the law and how it works, you will be able to have much better and more effective communication with prosecutors, defence lawyers, and all other stakeholders in the criminal justice system.”

We wish the GCCJ Class of 2019 every success in their future!

Mr Amrin Amin ’03 (Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of Health) sharing an anecdote during his Opening Address
Mr Benny Tan ’12 (Course Director, GCCJ) giving his congratulatory speech
Top Student – DSP Sia Zhi Siong John receiving the SPF Prize from Mr Amrin Amin ’03
The Class Representative, Mr Sim Ngin Kit, summarising his GCCJ journey with “4G” – Gratitude, Generating Questions, Growth and Go All Out!
The GCCJ Class of 2019 with Mr Amrin Amin ’03 (front row center), Mr T. Raja Kumar (Deputy Secretary (International and Training), Ministry of Home Affairs) (front row fifth from right), Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, NUS Law) (front row fifth from left) and distinguished guests from NUS Law, Attorney-General’s Chambers and Ministry of Home Affairs.
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