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  • Highlights of NUS Law Open Day 2015

Highlights of NUS Law Open Day 2015

March 14, 2015 | School

NUS Law welcomed over 750 visitors to the Bukit Timah campus for Open Day on 14 March 2015. Taking place on the same day as the NUS Open Day at UTown, the event at Bukit Timah Campus was organised for those interested in finding out more about the faculty’s offerings, student life and its surroundings.

The excitement and energy that filled the campus was infectious, as student volunteers took visitors on campus tours, introduced them to the various aspects of student life and shared their own personal experiences as NUS Law students. The programme also gave potential students and their parents a chance to interact with the faculty at the Dean’s Talk and the Professor-Student Panel Discussion right after.

Dean Simon Chesterman started off his talk by asking students to carefully consider why they want to study law and examining their motivation for choosing law as a career. “Ask yourself who you want to be, not just what you want to be” was the Dean’s advice. He discussed student life at the Bukit Timah Campus, the possibilities for being an exchange student along with admissions criteria during the Q&A that followed.

The Professor-Student Seminar gave attendees an opportunity to have a two-way dialogue with a panel composed of both current students and professors. This year’s panel included Assoc Prof David Tan, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Assoc Prof Eleanor Wong, Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Asst Prof Arif Jamal, and Asst Prof Swati Jhaveri. Joining them on stage were James Kwong, president of the Law Club, and Feng Chong We, chairperson of the Freshman Orientation Central Committee (FOCC) 2015. With a diverse panel for visitors to direct their questions to, visitors got an in-depth look into the student life and the academic experience NUS Law has to offer. The panel also shared how NUS Law innovatively uses a lecture-tutorial system as well as seminar-style classes in its teaching.

Visitors also got to experience what it is like in a courtroom and witness the mechanics of a mock trial at the moot court. The demonstration includes an examination in chief, cross examination, and opening and closing statements from both the prosecution and defendants.

Admissions for “A” level holders closes on 1 April 2015.

Applications for NUS Law must be made online with the NUS Office of Admissions

A copy of the 2015 NUS Law Undergraduate Brochure is available online at

Enquiries should be directed via email to:

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