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LAMP Appreciation Evening

October 3, 2014 | Student

Nearly 200 mentors and mentees from the NUS Law Alumni Mentorship Programme (LAMP) met up on 3 October, 2014, for an evening of conversations on shared experiences. The networking session took place at NineThirty by Awfully Chocolate at the Esplanade.

LAMP is a collaboration between the Career Centre@Law and the NUS Law Alumni Office, and serves to match current students with members of the alumni. The programme links first and second year students with alumni mentors who can share first hand experiences, provide insights to the legal profession, give practical guidance, encouragement and support. With this programme in place, students will be better equipped to make well-informed decisions about their professional development.

If you are willing to share your valuable experiences with our students and would like to be updated on next year’s LAMP, please do not hesitate to drop us an email at

For more images of the event, click here.

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