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Law IV: Valediction

February 25, 2018 | Student

Every year, the graduating class of NUS Law puts on a musical production both as a swan song to their years in school and to raise funds for charity. This year, the Class of 2018 continues this tradition with “Law IV 2018: Valediction”, which was performed from 23 to 25 February.

Over the course of three nights, more than 700 friends, relatives, faculty members and special guests applauded the Class of 2018 as they showcased the fruits of over 7 months of planning and 3 months of intense rehearsals. Among the invited guests were beneficiaries from Hagar Singapore, who enjoyed a night of catchy tunes and laughter. The efforts of our graduating class were not in vain, with more than $9,000 raised at the end of three nights.

Preparation for the musical started as early as June 2017 – forming the many committees, writing the script and music, and choreographing the numerous dance performances. The cast and crew members endeavoured to raise funds for their selected beneficiary, Hagar Singapore, a non-profit organisation committed to the recovery of trafficked, abused, and exploited women and children through restorative programmes and social enterprises.

The musical is set in a world where everyone is born with something missing – eyebrows, a sense of shame, or even a sense of identity. In this society, every graduate is offered an entry-level job in a career that a government algorithm deems would best suit them. The only exceptions to the rule are the valedictorians – one individual from each graduating batch who is given the choice to pursue whatever career he or she desires.

The story follows a group of students as they deal with the conflict between who they are and what they actually want to be, all while chasing the same dream of becoming Valedictorian.

As Law IV 2018 comes to a close, and the cast and crew members step off the stage, they do so with fond memories as well as a renewed sense of purpose for their new roles in society – whatever those may be.

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