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  • Lynette Chua’s book, The Politics of Rights and Southeast Asia, has been published by CUP as part of its Elements in Politics and Society in Southeast Asia series.

Lynette Chua’s book, The Politics of Rights and Southeast Asia, has been published by CUP as part of its Elements in Politics and Society in Southeast Asia series.

June 15, 2022 | Faculty

What do rights mean in Southeast Asia? How do differently situated individuals, social groups, and institutions, make sense of and deploy concepts of rights? How do their concepts relate to religious beliefs, norms, and practices that underpin social hierarchy and relations, as well as experiences with and memories of political conflict and post-colonial developments? What are the consequences of asserting rights?

This Element takes a “politics of rights” approach. The approach treats rights not merely as substantive or normative meanings found in international law, regional instruments and domestic constitutional documents, but as political processes: Rights come to life through ongoing series of social interactions. The approach in this Element helps readers understand the often contradictory findings about rights in a manner sensible to political subjectivities and helps readers make sense of why rights are sometimes helpful to Southeast Asians who appeal to them, sometimes disappointing, and often paradoxically both.

Further details about the book, which can be downloaded for free until 23 June, may be found here.

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