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  • NUS Law alumna and student appointed Young IP Mediators in 2022 by IPOS

NUS Law alumna and student appointed Young IP Mediators in 2022 by IPOS

October 3, 2022 | Faculty, Student

(L to R):  Tan Pei Han ’22 and Shannen Chua ’23

NUS Law alumna Tan Pei Han ’22 and current student Shannen Chua ’23 have been appointed as Young IP Mediators by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). As part of this initiative that was first launched by IPOS in 2020 to build awareness and promote interest in mediation for intellectual property (IP) disputes, Pei Han and Shannen will get to engage in real life IP disputes as shadow or co-mediators.  Grateful for the opportunity to learn through participating in this as well as other IP mediation related projects, both are looking forward the experience.

“Learning about mediation has been a journey of understanding myself and others. I am very grateful to have been taught by Prof Joel Lee and Marcus Lim, as well as the many seniors who have coached my team for ADR competitions. I am excited to continue learning from mediators and parties alike through the Young IP Mediator Initiative.” – Pei Han

 “I am extremely fortunate to have been afforded so many opportunities to learn from Professor Joel Lee during my time in his mediation course, and to apply these skills in the international mediation competitions I have participated in. I very much look forward to deepening my understanding of mediation through the Young IP Mediator Initiative, and I am so grateful for the chance to learn more about how mediation is conducted in practice.” – Shannen

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