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NUS Law Commencement 2016

July 13, 2016 | Student

Over 300 students were conferred their degrees from the faculty at Commencement 2016, which took place at the University Cultural Centre on 13 July. As always, the occasion was marked with an air of excitement as the new graduates fuss about getting ready for the big moment of presentation, friends and family clicking photos to preserve every moment possible for posterity, and barely contained chatter and laughter.

The ceremony was organised to take place with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, with guest-of-honour Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, executive deputy chairman of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Nanyang Technological University). Ambassador Ong, who is an alumni of NUS Law, shares an inspiring speech about life after graduation, with words of encouragement and advice.

Lester Ho, valedictorian for the Class of 2016, thanked professors and loved ones. Hoping to inspire fellow graduates in a changing world, Lester said, “Fellow graduates, we have had the great fortune of meeting wise professors and brilliant peers. It heartens me to know that we are surrounded by people who smarter and more talented than us. Some of us here will become great lawyers, judges, or legislators. Others will lead multi-national corporations or perhaps start their own businesses. A few will even partake in the arts by writing books, plays, and poems. The possibilities are endless. But regardless of how we choose to shape the world, I am certain that we will all be unprecedented in our own ways. So if I may make one humble request, it is that we endeavour to make this world a better, kinder, and softer place.”

We wish the Class of 2016 a future filled with success!

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