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  • NUS Law revises Class of Honours policy in line with UK universities

NUS Law revises Class of Honours policy in line with UK universities

March 12, 2016 | School

For many years, NUS Law has adhered to a strict policy of awarding First Class Honours only to the top 5% of the graduating class, and Second Class (Upper Division) Honours to the next 50%. Other top and peer law schools, such as Cambridge, Oxford and Sydney, are awarding First Class Honours degrees in the range of approximately 15% to 25%.

Presently, the top 10% of the graduating class are placed on the Overall Dean’s List, which means all First Class Honours students (top 5%) and the next top 5% of the Second Class (Upper Division) Honours students are placed on the Overall Dean’s List.  

Under the new policy, students shall receive First Class Honours if: their cumulative weighted numerical average for all subjects taken at NUS is 70.00 marks or above (‘A-’ grade equivalent); or if they finish in the top 10% of their class based on the cumulative weighted numerical average for all subjects taken at NUS. This essentially means that all graduates on the Overall Dean’s List shall receive First Class Honours.

Students who achieve a minimum cumulative weighted numerical average of greater or equal to 63.00 marks (‘B’ grade equivalent) shall receive a Second Class (Upper Division) Honours degree. The expected percentage of graduating students with a Second Upper under this new policy is about 65%. This brings NUS Law closer to the law schools of Cambridge, Oxford, London School of Economics, University College London and Kings College London (where over 65% receive Second Upper Honours). This approach gives greater certainty to students who will be able to better monitor their own performance throughout their studies at NUS Law, and more appropriately recognises the high quality of the graduates from Asia’s top law school.

The new Class of Honours policy apply with effect from March 2016, commencing with all LL.B. students who graduate at the end of the Academic Year 2015-16.

Straits Times coverage

NUS Law School to give out more first class honours to reflect rising quality of students”.

More students can earn first class honours from NUS Law

FAQs on the new Class of Honours Policy

Comparison Table with other universities

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