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NUS Law Welcome Weekend 2023

June 12, 2023 | Faculty

NUS Law welcomed prospective students who have received offers to enrol in its Bachelor of Laws (Honours) programme on 20 May.

Dean Andrew Simester was not able to welcome the students in person at the Bukit Timah campus, as he was in London meeting international partners on the NUS exchange programmes. In his recorded address, he congratulated the prospective students present for having aced the interview and the test, and shared that there is always lots of competition to get into law school.

To those present who were mulling over their offer, he spoke understandingly about how the choice of university or even of degree could be daunting especially when those are two of the most important decisions they would make in their lives. He advised that perhaps a good starting point was to think about how NUS Law could equip them for wherever their life might lead.

He further shared that with NUS, students would be exposed to a curriculum that is carefully designed to prepare for a rapidly changing world, both socially and commercially, especially with the impact of technology. NUS Law’s aim is to provide students with the relevant legal knowledge and skill sets to join the workforce after graduating from Asia’s #1 law school.

Dean Andrew Simester kicking off Welcome Weekend 2023 with a welcome address


Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies, shed light on the various academic programmes available – single degree, double degree, concurrent degree, with or without NUS College, Exchange Plus – in a formidable array of permutations and combinations.

Professor Wayne Courtney shed light on the various academic programmes available

Ms Genevieve Chia and Mr Shaun Kang, Career Advisers from the Centre for Future-ready Graduates, also provided the students with an overview of career pathways for a law graduate, while Ms Noleen Joy Marasigan, Chairperson of the Freshmen Orientation Central Committee 2022/2023, offered a sneak peek of what to expect as a Year 1 student at NUS Law.

Ms Genevieve Chia and Mr Shaun Kang shared the various career pathways for a law graduate
Ms Noleen Joy Marasigan providing a sneak peek of what to expect as a Year 1 student

And for students who still had burning questions to ask, there was an Ask-Me-Anything Session. It was chaired by Mr Justin Tan, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, and included a panel comprising Professor Courtney, Ms Sybil Noelle Rocha (Careers Adviser) and Ms Noleen Joy. They took questions from the students such as, “Why should I choose NUS over another university?”, and “Will I as a science student find it difficult adapting to studying law?”

Mr Justin Tan (second from left) taking a question from one of the students during the Ask-Me-Anything Session. On his right is Ms Sybil Noelle Rocha, with Professor Wayne Courtney and Ms Noleen Joy on his left

The students also had the opportunity to visit the various student club booths where they could interact with the respective student leaders to learn more about what each club offers.

Two prospective students listening attentively to one of the student leaders at the student club booth

To cap the afternoon, masterclasses were held by some NUS Law professors for students to experience what it was like to attend a class at NUS Law.

Assistant Professor Benny Tan kept his audience rapt during his masterclass on “Legal Causation and Crime – Attributing Consequences to Conduct”
Associate Professor Sandra Booysen providing food for thought to her audience as she delivered her masterclass titled “How Safe is Your Bank?”
Mr Benjamin Wong delivered his masterclass titled “Public Shaming: Law and its Limits” and enlightened students with examples of actual cases
Associate Professor Sonita Jeyapathy’s masterclass, “Creating a Contract”, provided her audience with a better appreciation of the typical framework of a contract and the work involved in creating it
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