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  • NUS Law Welcomes LL.M. Students 2018

NUS Law Welcomes LL.M. Students 2018

August 6, 2018 | Student

NUS Law welcomed close to 120 LL.M. students from over 20 countries at this year’s welcome event on 6 August.

Our local LL.M. candidates were joined by graduate students from Asia, and some from as far as the United Kingdom, United States of America, Italy, Finland, Poland, France, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Panama, Portugal, Australia, Colombo, the Netherlands, Denmark, Brazil and Switzerland.

The programme started with a seminar on “Introduction to Writing Research Papers and Avoiding Plagiarism” by Associate Professor Helena Whalen-Bridge, and thereafter students gathered at the auditorium for a welcome session by Dean Simon Chesterman. Professor Chesterman encouraged them to make the most of their time here and immerse themselves in the cultural melting pot that is NUS Law.

Associate Professor David Tan, Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) gave the students an overview of their journey at NUS Law, after which Associate Professor Umakanth Varottil, Director of Graduate Coursework Studies, briefed them on academic matters.
The students were then divided into groups according to their chosen specialisation where they were briefed by their course coordinators. The programme closed with a buffet dinner where the LL.M. candidates had the opportunity to meet several other professors and interact with their course mates from diverse backgrounds.

With the multicultural mix of LL.M. candidates pursuing their studies here, it is no wonder that NUS Law is Asia’s Global Law School!

Dean Simon Chesterman delivering the Welcome Address
Associate Professor David Tan, Vice Dean (Academic Affairs)
Associate Professor Umakanth Varottil, Director of Graduate Coursework Studies
Master of Laws in International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
Master of Laws in Maritime Law, Graduate Diploma in Maritime Law & Arbitration
Master of Laws in IP & Technology Law
Master of Laws in Corporate & Financial Services Law
Master of Laws in International Business Law
Master of Laws in International & Comparative Law
Master of Laws

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