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  • NUS Law welcomes Visiting Faculty – AY 2022/2023 Semester 2

NUS Law welcomes Visiting Faculty – AY 2022/2023 Semester 2

January 16, 2023 | Faculty
(from left) Phase 1 Visiting Professors: Professor Adrian Walters, Associate Professor Friedrich Jakob Rosenfeld, Professor Miriam Goldby, Associate Professor Vicki Huang, Professor Andrew Simester (Dean of NUS Law), Professor Wayne Courtney (Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies), Professor Lucy Reed, Associate Professor Giacomo Rojas Elgueta and Professor Martin Senftleben
(back row, from left) Phase 2 Visiting Professors: Professor Ying Khai Liew; Professor Jeffrey Waincymer; Professor Jane Ginsburg, the Kwa Geok Choo Distinguished Visitor; Associate Professor Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (front row, from left) Professor Francesco Sindico; and Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies (Not present: Associate Professor Wu Ying-Chieh)

NUS Law is delighted to welcome the following Visiting Faculty for AY 2022/2023 Phase 1 of Semester 2: Professor Adrian Walters, the Lionel A. Sheridan Visiting Professor; Associate Professor Friedrich Jakob Rosenfeld; Professor Miriam Goldby; Associate Professor Vicki Huang; Professor Andrew Simester, Dean of NUS Law; Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies); Professor Lucy Reed; Associate Professor Giacomo Rojas Elgueta; and Professor Martin Senftleben, the Yong Shook Lin Professor of IP Law.

After a briefing by Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies), on 9 January, they were warmly introduced to the NUS Law family at the Start of Term Welcome Lunch, held on 11 January at the Oei Tiong Ham Lobby.

At the Welcome Lunch, Dean Andrew Simester and Professor Wayne Courtney (Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies) gave a quick introduction, before separate faculty members took turns to describe each visiting professor’s biography, offering details on their illustrious background. Amid the informal lunch setting, the atmosphere was convivial, with much laughter and cheerful conversation.


NUS Law is delighted to welcome the following Visiting Faculty for AY 2022/2023 Phase 2 of Semester 2: Professor Jane Ginsburg, the Kwa Geok Choo Distinguished Visitor; Professor Ying Khai Liew; Associate Professor Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell; Professor Francesco Sindico; Professor Jeffrey Waincymer; and Associate Professor Wu Ying-Chieh.

Their briefing, chaired by Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies), was held on 30 January.


About the Professors and their modules:

Phase 1:

Adrian Walters (Cross-Border Insolvency Law)

Adrian Walters is Professor of Law and Director of the Program in Business Law at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. He teaches Contracts, Bankruptcy, International Bankruptcy, and a range of other commercial law subjects. Born and raised in Nottingham in the United Kingdom, Professor Walters earned his bachelor’s degree from Cambridge University (1989) and a graduate diploma in law from Nottingham Trent University (1990). He practiced as a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales between 1991 and 1994 at the law firm of Eking Manning, which later merged with Geldards LLP.

Friedrich Jakob Rosenfeld (Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration)

Dr Friedrich Rosenfeld is partner at the arbitration boutique Hanefeld in Hamburg, Germany. He regularly acts as counsel in international arbitration proceedings. Besides, he has been arbitrator in cases involving a range of applicable substantive laws and seats (Austria, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Israel, Switzerland, United States). Before joining his current firm, Friedrich worked as a consultant for the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials in Cambodia.

Miriam Goldby (Law of Marine Insurance)

Dr Miriam Goldby is Professor of Shipping, Insurance and Commercial Law and Director of Research at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. She is a member of British Insurance Law Association (BILA) Committee and editor of the BILA journal. She is also a member of the Comité Maritime International (CMI) Standing Committee on Carriage of Goods, and vice-chair of the International Chamber of Commerce UK (ICC UK) Commercial Law and Practice Committee. She is the author of Electronic Documents in Maritime Trade: Law and Practice (OUP), the second edition of which was published in 2019, and has published extensively in the fields of shipping, insurance and financial law.

Vicki Huang (Fashion Law)

Dr Vicki Huang is an Associate Professor of IP Law at Deakin Law School, Australia. She is a dual-qualified American and Australian lawyer and has practiced in ‘Silicon Valley’ and in Australia for large law firms. Vicki is renowned as one of the best and most dynamic teachers at Deakin University. In 2022. she was awarded the University’s Teacher of the Year and received the School of Law’s Teaching Excellence Award. Dr Huang graduated from the Melbourne Law School with a PhD and first-class honours in the LL.B. She also completed a L.L.M. at Columbia University Law School on a Burton Memorial Fellowship (scholarship) where she graduated with honours. Her research focusses on inter-disciplinary aspects of intellectual property (IP) law and empirical research methods into law.

Lucy Reed (Mediation/Conciliation of Inter- and Investor-State Disputes)

Lucy Reed is an arbitrator based in New York, specialising in investor-State and complex international commercial disputes. She is President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre Court, having formerly served as a Vice-President of the ICC Court, President of the American Society of International Law, the Chair of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), and a member of the LCIA Court and the HKIAC Board. From 2016 through 2019, Professor Reed was the Director of the Centre for International Law and a Professor of Practice on the Law Faculty of NUS.

Giacomo Rojas Elgueta (Economic Analysis of Private Law: Contract and Torts)

Giacomo Rojas Elgueta is an Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of Roma Tre Law School, where he teaches Private Law and Economic Analysis of Law. He is also licensed as Full Professor of Comparative Law. He earned both his law degree (2001, summa cum laude) and his doctoral degree in Italian and European Civil Law (2005) from Roma Tre University. In the academic year 2003/2004 and for the fall semester of 2006, he was a Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School. In 2008 he received an LLM with distinction from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where in 2014 he also earned an SJD degree (Doctor of Juridical Science). He is the author of three books and several articles in major Italian and U.S. law reviews.

Martin Senftleben (Protection Overlaps in Intellectual Property Law)

Martin Senftleben is Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Director, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam. His activities focus on the reconciliation of private intellectual property rights with competing public interests of a social, cultural or economic nature. Current research topics include institutionalised algorithmic copyright enforcement in the EU, the interplay between robot creativity and human literary and artistic productions, the preservation of the public domain of cultural expressions, and the impact of targeted advertising on supply and demand in market economies.

Phase 2: 

Jane Ginsburg (US Copyright: International and Comparative Perspectives)

Jane C. Ginsburg is Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary & Artistic Property Law at the Columbia Law School. The faculty director of Columbia’s Kernochan Center for Law, Media, and the Arts, Jane Ginsburg is a renowned authority on intellectual property law and a staunch defender of authors’ rights. She teaches and writes about copyright law, international copyright law, legal methods, statutory interpretation and trademark law. She is the author or co-author of casebooks on all five subjects, including International Copyright and Neighbouring Rights: The Berne Convention and Beyond (3d edition) (with Sam Ricketson); International Copyright: U.S. and EU Perspectives (with Edouard Treppoz) and Copyright: Cases and Materials (9th edition) (with Robert A. Gorman and R. Anthony Reese).

Jeffrey Waincymer (Comparative Evidence in International Arbitration)

Professor Jeffrey Waincymer’s research and teaching is primarily in the fields of international trade and investment law, international dispute settlement, arbitration, taxation and mooting. He has also been an arbitrator for a range of institutions including the ICC, SIAC, VIAC and HKIAC, as well as having been an ad hoc appointed arbitrator. He also practices mediation and acts as an expert witness, trade and investment consultant and mediator. He is the author of Procedure and Evidence in International Arbitration; WTO Litigation: Procedural Aspects of Formal Dispute Settlement; and Australian Income Tax: Principles and Policy (2nd ed).

Wu Ying-Chieh (Private Law in East Asia — Korea, Taiwan, Japan)

Ying-Chieh Wu’s main teaching and research areas are property and trusts, and comparative private law. He received his LLB and LLM degrees from Korea University and holds MSt and DPhil degrees from the University of Oxford. Before joining Seoul National University, he taught at National Taiwan University’s College of Law and at Singapore Management University’s School of Law. He has taught and written in English, Korean and Chinese. He has contributed to books such as Trust Law in Asian Civil Law Jurisdictions: A Comparative Analysis (edited by Lusina Ho and Rebecca Lee, CUP, 2013), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia Vol. II Formation and Third-Party Beneficiaries (edited by Mindy C-Wishart et al., Oxford University Press, 2018), and The Private Law Implications of Cryptocurrencies (edited by David Fox et al., Oxford University Press, 2019).

Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (Challenges of Emerging Technologies to Financial Regulation)

Dr Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell is Associate Professor of Commercial Law at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. She is currently Sir Roy Goode Scholar at UNIDROIT. She is a Delegate of Spain at UNCITRAL on WG VI on secured transactions and IV on ecommerce; Expert before UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT on digital economy; and European Law Institute Executive Committee and Council Member. She studied Law and Business Administration, and she holds a Doctor in Law degree. She held the Chair of Excellence at Oxford University, Harris Manchester College. Among her many roles, Dr Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell is arbitrator at the Madrid Court of Arbitration and the Spanish Court of Arbitration, expert arbitrator in disputes arising from conflicts of domain names ending .es, and member of the European Commission Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies.

Ying Khai Liew (Trusts Law in the Asia-Pacific Region)

Ying Liew is a Professor at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne. He teaches and researches in private law, specialising in the law of equity and trusts, the law of assignment, contracts, and remedies. His research has been published in leading peer-reviewed international journals, including the Cambridge Law Journal, Law Quarterly Review, Modern Law Review, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Sydney Law Review, UNSW Law Journal, and Melbourne University Law Review. His work has been cited by courts around the world, including the UK Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of India, the Federal Court of Australia, and courts in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, and the Cayman Islands.

Francesco Sindico (International Water Law)

Francesco Sindico is Professor in International Law at the University of Strathclyde Law School where he is also Director of the Climate Change Litigation Initiative (C2LI). He has founded and developed the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG), now one of the leading centres in the UK in the field of environmental law. He was counsel for the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the Dispute over the Status and Use of the Waters of the Silala (Chile v. Bolivia) before the International Court of Justice. Prof Sindico thrives in multidisciplinary and multipartner projects and environments. He brings passion and competence to his work on International Environmental Law and is always keen to learn more and develop new partnerships. Prof Sindico is an academic who believes universities need to work with non-academic partners and share results from their research also in ways that will deliver real impact on the ground.

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