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  • Over $39,000 raised for Lighthouse School at NUSSU Rag & Flag

Over $39,000 raised for Lighthouse School at NUSSU Rag & Flag

August 11, 2018 | Student

NUS Law Freshmen raised over $39,000 for their beneficiary, the Lighthouse School at this year’s NUSSU Rag & Flag held on 11 August 2018. The amount raised was more than double that of last year. Their excellent performance at Rag Day also earned them a Gold Award.

NUS Law Rag Director, Mr Ong Yinn Jaye shared that the NUSSU Rag & Flag experience was one that was undoubtedly rewarding and truly humbling, which every freshman would treasure greatly as part of their University journey. The whole process, from mere concept and creating a common vision to eventually having them materialise and seeing the result, was truly an unforgettable roller coaster of an experience.

During Flag Day, NUS undergraduates from the individual faculties went about various locations in Singapore to collect donations from members of the public. They stood for hours under the scorching sun and faced countless rejections. However, what made everything worthwhile was witnessing and experiencing first-hand, the generosity of strangers and the spirit of giving wholeheartedly. That in itself, made up for everything, and served as a motivation to push on.

Following Flag Day was Rag Day, where elaborate floats and enthralling dance performances were put up by NUS undergraduates. Themed “Reigniting our Flair”, Rag Day 2018 aimed to inspire incoming freshmen with values of excellence and originality and the spirit of giving back. NUS Law did not fail to thrill and amaze the audience with their spectacular performance. The float, made from scratch out of recycled materials gathered by the students, was impressive, and the freshmen wowed the audience with their artistic flair and entertaining choreography. Well done, NUS Law!

Article contribution from Mr Ong Yinn Jaye, NUS Law Rag Director 2018

Law Freshmen thrilled the audience with their spectacular performance

NUS Freshmen after a tiring but fulfilling Rag & Flag 2018
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