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  • NUS Pro Bono Group Appreciation Event 2021

NUS Pro Bono Group Appreciation Event 2021

July 30, 2021 | School

The NUS Pro Bono Group (PBG) held its Appreciation Event in July 2021. We were honoured to have the opportunity to host our partner organisations, faculty members and students virtually, and thank everyone for a year of fruitful pro bono activities.

The event commenced with speeches by our NUS Law Dean, Professor Simon Chesterman, who extended a warm welcome, and  Faculty Advisor Professor Helena Whalen-Bridge, who shared the history and goals of the event. This was followed by an address by our Guest Speaker Mr Tanguy Lim, Chief Executive Officer of the Law Society Pro Bono Services, who spoke about the importance of student pro bono initiatives amid the pandemic, inspiring us to continue making a difference to the community even as law students.

As the evening progressed, various students expressed appreciation to our partners, and shared their experiences over the previous academic year. Our Outgoing President, Chloe, reflected on the challenges of shifting our pro bono activities online and thanked our partners and students for their role in making that possible. Through short videos and presentations, our Incoming Project Directors shared about the club’s milestones and their personal experiences in the various projects over the previous academic year. The event concluded with an address by our Incoming President, Ryan, who expressed our gratitude to all our partners and reaffirmed our commitment to continue making our pro bono projects sustainable and meaningful in the year ahead.

NUS PBG is grateful for all guests for taking the time to attend the event, and for the opportunity to thank our partners for a year of meaningful partnerships – with more to come. Once again, we would like to acknowledge the following partners (in alphabetical order) for collaborating with us over the previous academic year:

  • Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ACMI);
  • Community Justice Centre (CJC);
  • Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC);
  • Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training (FAST);
  • Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME);
  • Kembangan-Chai Chee Community Legal Clinic;
  • Law Society Pro Bono Services (LSPBS);
  • Methodist Welfare Services (MWS);
  • Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC);
  • Migrant Workers Singapore (MWS);
  • Ministry of Education (MOE);
  • National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) LawWorks;
  • NUS Care Unit (NCU);
  • NUS Centre for Pro Bono and Clinical Legal Education (CPBCLE);
  • NUS Law Deanery;
  • NUS Law Student Affairs;
  • Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO);
  • Students for a Safer NUS (SafeNUS);
  • Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2); and
  • Unity Secondary School
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