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Reunions: Class of 1979

December 1, 2015 | Alumni

On 28 November 2015, more than 50 classmates from NUS Law’s Class of 1979 gathered at the Kent Ridge Guild House to celebrate a remarkable milestone: “40 Years After We First Met”. It was quite literally a walk down memory lane for the class as they visited NLT-3 at the Kent Ridge Campus, one of the very first lecture theatres they used in 1975.

Just sitting in the lecture theatre brought them back to the good old days of beinga student, as did a photo montage and a rousing quiz on their time in Law School, which ensured lively participation and lots of laughter.

The warm camaraderie continued back at Guild House where the class enjoyed a buffet lunch, shared stories and relived wonderful memories while poring over old photos and memorabilia that have been carefully kept since Law School days. Joining in the fun and festivities were their some of their former professors, Professor Tan Sook Yee, Professor Koh Kheng Lian ’61, Professor Tan Keng Feng ’71, Professor Valentine Winslow and Professor Lye Lin Heng ’73.

Prof Tan Sook Yee and Prof Lye Lin Heng, together with 2 members of the class committee, were given the honour of cutting the gorgeous commemorative cake that was custom-made for this very special occasion. Kudos must go to the enthusiastic and dedicated class committee, who started planning months ahead and pulled everything together to make this a reunion to remember.