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Senior Minister of State Indranee Rajah returns to Alma Mater

August 2, 2013 | Faculty
Assoc Prof Joel Lee Tye Beng and Ms Indranee Rajah SC, both standing in the centre, with leaders from the Freshmen Orientation Central Committee.

NUS Alumnus and Senior Minister of State for Law and Education, Ms Indranee Rajah SC (Class of 1986) paid a visit to the campus on 2 August 2013. Speaking with the current batch of matriculating students at the Auditorium on Friday morning, Ms Indranee spoke briefly of how she decided to apply to study law at NUS, who her fellow course-mates were and how some of them went their separate ways after graduation while others crossed paths.

Drawing on her years of experience in the legal industry, Ms Indranee also provided some sound advice. Explaining how lawyers play an important role in acting as regulators for society, she said money should not be the main motivation to being a lawyer. She further intimated that it was not always about winning the case but rather the commitment to the legal due process that truly mattered.

The Senior Minister of State then addressed questions from students. Giving succinct answers to the topics raised, she spoke about the differences between working in the private and public sector, and touched on more delicate issues such as the death penalty and the recent spate of corruption cases.

The candid and enjoyable session concluded with the presentation of a token of appreciation to Ms Indranee Rajah by Freshman Mark Hee.

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