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Starting an academic career at NUS Law

July 26, 2021 | Faculty

So, you want to become a professor? Or maybe you are thinking of pursuing a career in law off the well-worn path into private practice or government?  Well, this talk is for you.

Being a law professor offers many opportunities for development and fulfilment, both personal and professional. Yet many people do not know where to begin, and there are pitfalls for the unwary.

Join a panel of NUS Law professors who will share their experiences and insights about an academic career in the law. We will also be discussing the Sheridan Fellowship programme, which aims to develop talented young lawyers into academics fit for tenure-track positions within the Faculty.


7:00pm    Welcome by Professor Wayne Courtney, Vice Dean (Academic Affairs)

    Three Stories:
Professor Ernest Lim (Chair, Faculty Search Committee)
Associate Professor Jaclyn Neo (Director, Centre for Asian Legal Studies)
Associate Professor Lynette Chua (Rector, Elm College, and Head of Studies, Law-Liberal Arts Double-Degree Programme, Yale-NUS College)

The Sheridan Fellowship (by Professor Wayne Courtney)

Starting Academic Life (by Hillary Chua, Sheridan Fellow, 2021)

    Question & Answer Session


Event details:

Date: 2 September 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Venue: NUS Law and Zoom
Register: or scan QR below

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