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  • Stephen Girvin’s book, Maritime Organisation, Management and Liability: A Legal Analysis of New Challenges in the Maritime Industry, has been published by Hart.

Stephen Girvin’s book, Maritime Organisation, Management and Liability: A Legal Analysis of New Challenges in the Maritime Industry, has been published by Hart.

June 18, 2021 | Faculty

Edited with Vibe Ulfbeck, Director of the Centre for Enterprise Liability (CEVIA) at the University of Copenhagen, the book identifies and examines the legal challenges facing the shipping industry and ship management today.

It first addresses flag state rules and private international law as organisational tools of the shipowner for establishing the applicable legal framework in an age of increasing regulatory activity and extraterritorial effect of legislation. It then focuses on sustainability requirements and the liability of shipping companies managing supply chains and ships as waste. The third section considers challenges stemming from times of financial crisis and deals with the cross-border impact of shipping insolvencies, the UNCITRAL Model Law, and the approaches of different jurisdictions. Finally, the fourth section concerns digitalisation and automation, including delivery on the basis of digital release codes, bills of lading based on blockchain technology, the use of web portals and data sharing, and particular aspects of the law relating to autonomous ships, notably in marine insurance and carriage of goods.

The book will be a useful resource for academics and practising lawyers working in shipping and maritime law.

Further details about the book, which includes chapters by Stephen and Vibe, as well as Paul Myburgh and many current and former scholars associated with the Centre for Maritime Law — Luci Carey, Víctor Chacón, Elson Ong, Michiel Spanjaart, and Xu Jingchen — may be found here.

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