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  • Virtual Graduation Ceremony: Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice – Class of 2021

Virtual Graduation Ceremony: Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice – Class of 2021

November 15, 2021 | Faculty, Student

Congratulations to the GCCJ Class of 2021 on the conferment of their Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice!

The GCCJ Programme is a collaboration between the Home Team Academy, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation and the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Law, with the support of the Attorney-General’s Chambers, to prepare Home Team senior officers for the future challenges of criminal investigations.

At the GCCJ Virtual Graduation Ceremony held on 8 November 2021, the following 30 Senior Officers from various departments in the Ministry of Home Affairs graduated as the 4th batch of GCCJ graduates:

Ann Qi Ying Lee Ming Woei Kevin Qiu Hui Guan
Azam Bin Ahmad M Saravanan Shafiq Basheer
Chai Xi En, Regina Mohamed Fauzi Bin Abdul Rahim Sindhu Dasan
Chua Boon Siong Mohamed Salim Bin Maidin Tan Yong Hua
Chua Chong Li Mishia Ann Muhammad Hafeez Bin Kader Shareiff Teng Chin Hock
Deng Dehui Muhammad Jamil Bin Agus Rizal Teo Min Lun
Ho Cher Hin Muhammad Ridhuan Bin Mohamed Johan Toh Wei Ling
Ker Boon Tat Muhammad Ryan Bin Kamaruzaman Vivien Lim Yan Jun
Kim Lai Kuan Norazmin Yap Bin Amran Yim Shao Peng
Koo Mun Hon Ivan Patrick Lim Boon Hua Zheng Ruilin

Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, Faculty of Law) congratulating the GCCJ graduands for successfully completing the programme during these extraordinary times – an achievement that is certainly not virtual

Addressing the Graduating Class, the GCCJ Course Director, Assistant Professor Benny Tan ’12 said, “It is clear to me that the work of an IO will become increasingly demanding in the years to come. But I am confident that the skills and knowledge you have picked up in this course will stand you in good stead in your career, as you move on to meet rising challenges of being an IO, or in whatever type of work you may do, regardless of wherever you may be posted to.”

Assistant Professor Benny Tan ‘12 (GCCJ Course Director) giving his congratulatory speech

Emphasising the significance of upskilling Home Team Officers through the GGCJ Programme, Mr How Kwang Hwee, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police and Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs stated: “As criminals continue to leverage new technologies and innovate how they commit crimes, we face increasing levels of complexity in our efforts to prevent, detect and deter crimes. To effectively counter these developments, in addition to leveraging on technology, it is crucial that we develop and harness the most powerful weapon in our arsenal – upskilled Home Team Officers who respond professionally and effectively to crimes in a manner that commands public confidence. This is especially critical in the field of investigation.”

SAC How Kwang Hwee (Director, Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs) addressing the graduating class on their achievements and future contributions to Home Team

Lee Ming Woei Kevin from the Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force and Zheng Ruilin from Training Command were awarded the Singapore Police Force Special Prizes for topping the programme.

2nd Prize Winner – Mr Zheng Ruilin receiving the SPF Prize from SAC How Kwang Hwee (Director, Criminal Investigation Department)

Top Student – Mr Lee Ming Woei Kevin receiving the SPF Prize from SAC How Kwang Hwee (Director, Criminal Investigation Department)

Reflecting on the key learning point from the programme, the Class Valedictorian, Mr Lee Ming Woei Kevin stated: “It is all about evidence. I am confident that all 30 of us will not only collect evidence, but we will have an eye for good and admissible evidence. Evidence with more probative value than the prejudicial effect. Evidence that will not only prove the factual guilt but also the legal guilt of an accused.”

The Class Valedictorian, Mr Lee Ming Woei Kevin, sharing the memorable learning experience of taking on different roles to address the various scenarios presented to them in their class assignments

The Virtual Graduation Ceremony was graced by (from top left to right) SAC How Kwang Hwee (Director CID, Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs), Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, Faculty of Law) and distinguished guests from NUS, AGC and Ministry of Home Affairs

We wish the GCCJ Class of 2021 every success in their future!

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