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  • Warm Welcome to Our Graduate Students

Warm Welcome to Our Graduate Students

August 6, 2013 | Student
Assoc Prof David Tan, second row fourth from the right, with his group of graduate students.

NUS Law welcomed its latest cohort of graduate students during the orientation cum welcome dinner held on 6 August 2013. Arranged according to their subject groups, the students who come from diverse backgrounds and various countries of origin gathered together for the first time to meet with their professors and fellow cohort.

Prof Simon Chesterman addressing the students on stage.

The students engaged in friendly chatter within their respective classrooms until it was time for the opening speech by the Dean, Prof Simon Chesterman at the auditorium. The students were given a brief on administrative matters to note during their course of study at NUS Law. Besides congratulating the students for choosing to do their graduate degree programme here, Prof Chesterman illustrated the point that NUS is Asia’s Global Law School when he conducted a short survey by show of hands the varying parts of the world the students are from. With the vast majority from Asia, there are students who had also come from Europe to as far as the Americas.

Andreas Blattmann from Switzerland thinks “it is the cultural background and diversity that makes an LL.M. at NUS a truly unique experience. With students and practitioners from all over the world, every legal discussion therefore includes cultural experiences of any kind – a great personal enrichment.”

Subsequently, a photo session was carried out where everybody clustered together for a final group shot before proceeding to the upper quadrangle for an evening of mingling and sumptuous buffet.


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