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Welcome Aboard, Freshmen!

August 12, 2022 | Faculty, Student

NUS Law welcomed the Class of 2026 with a flurry of Orientation activities held over a three-month period from June to August 2022. These activities provided freshmen with a taste of life in law school. From informative panel discussions by distinguished lawyers, to adrenaline-inducing games and performances, Orientation 2022 was certainly an unforgettable start to the law school journey.

Here are some of the highlights!

Law Camp

The Orientation programme kicked off with Law Camp. Spanning over four days, Law Camp was filled with an array of exhilarating and unique events designed to encourage the forging of meaningful friendships. Freshmen were grouped in their Orientation Groups and Houses and enjoyed a whole line-up of indoor and outdoor games held at UTown and our very own Bukit Timah Campus.

Law Camp then ended off with Finale Night, where freshmen came together as a batch to bond over the shared memories created throughout the camp.

An orientation group at War Games

Freshmen playing a fast-paced game of dodgeball

Pro Bono

This year’s Pro Bono component included five exciting projects which were aimed at introducing the freshmen to the pleasure and purpose that can be found in pro bono work. This involved partnering with a wide range of beneficiaries to underscore the wide-reaching impacts of the law on various communities within our society—from freelance artists, to migrant workers and even volunteers at a domestic abuse shelter. Their endeavours culminated with a Picnic Event, during which the freshmen were encouraged to share and reflect on their time in their respective Pro Bono projects.

Freshmen attached to lawyers conducting legal clinics for beneficiaries

Rag & Flag  

Rag and Flag is an annual signature NUS-wide event with two main components. Through Flag, freshmen ventured to locations across Singapore with their tin cans seeking donations for the NUS Flag Day held on 1 August, and participated in additional fundraising events where merchandise produced by our very own NUS Law students was sold to raise funds for our beneficiary, CARE SG.

The Rag – which stands for “Receiving and Giving”- Day was held at UTown Green on 6 August 2022. Armed with creative props and dressed in a riot of colours, the freshmen put up a rousing performance to thank donors for their generosity.

Sale of Flag merchandise

Rag & Flag props team

Jury’s Choice

Jury’s Choice is the NUS Law’s rendition of bash, a huge NUS-wide tradition. Every year, Jury’s Choice searches for the most talented, unique, and enthusiastic freshmen to crown Law King and Queen. This year, contestants got makeovers, enjoyed photoshoots, and showcased their talents in a grand finale performance.

Freshers’ Week

Fresher’s Week was the last cohort-wide programme, and it put our freshmen firmly on the path to finding their very own place in NUS Law. Through activities such as exciting law firm visits and panel discussions with esteemed guests, the freshmen were able to glean insight into the legal industry. There was also no shortage of fun – through many activities such as Amazing Race, Night Games and Gala Night.

Freshers’ Week then closed with the Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony. This year’s ceremony invited freshmen to pen letters to their future selves, to be sealed in a box that would only be opened upon graduation. The ceremony was graced by Vice Dean Eleanor Wong, Vice Dean Arif Jamal and Vice Dean Damian Chalmers who shared valuable advice and reminded the freshmen of the importance of balancing work and play, before sealing and locking the boxes of letters.

Freshmen playing Night Games

Vice Dean Eleanor Wong closing the lock for Class of 2026’s box of letters

We hope that Orientation has given the freshmen memories to be treasured, and that the friendships forged will support them through their time at NUS Law and in the years that follow.

Photo credits: Bryan Foo ’23


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