


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Constitutionalism in Asia: Asian Views of the American Influence by Lawrence Ward Beer (Ed.)

    Citation: [1981] Sing JLS 208
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Admiralty Law & Practice by Toh Kian Sing

    Citation: [1998] Sing JLS 208
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Statutes on the Law of Torts by Stephen Chapman, M.A., Q.C.

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 209
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Payne’s Carriage of Goods by Sea, 7th Ed. by E. R. Hardy Ivamy

    Citation: [1964] Sing JLS 209
  • Book Review

    Book Review: China and the Law of the Sea, Air and the Environment by Heanette Greenfield

    Citation: [1982] Sing JLS 209
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Modern Commonwealth by Sir William Dale

    Citation: [1984] Sing JLS 209
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Constitution of Singapore: A Contextual Analysis by Kevin YL Tan

    Citation: [2016] Sing JLS 209
    Kevin Tan's The Constitution of Singapore: A Contextual Analysis gives a clear and easily digestible introduction to the constitutional law of Singapore. This is exactly what this series is designed to do. It is highly recommended to anyone who wants a very readable and informative introduction to Singapore's constitutional system.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law of Personal Property (3rd Ed) by Michael Bridge, Louise Gullifer, Kelvin Low and Gerard McMeel

    Citation: [2023] Sing JLS 209
    First view: [Mar 2023 Online] Sing JLS
    Personal property law is perhaps the one critical area of commercial law which has received relatively less attention in academic literature as a standalone subject than it merits, possibly due to the common misconception that the subject is simply a collection of discrete legal categories. This is rather perplexing, considering that personal property is, by definition and jurisprudentially, all property interests that are not an interest in land, and it certainly warrants specialist treatment. The authors of The Law of Personal Property have, in their third edition, achieved a tremendous feat at publishing what might be the most comprehensive treatise on the subject to date. I salute the authors for the breadth, depth and critical analysis in this third edition, which only goes to demonstrate the significance of personal property law in our daily lives, and that the subject is far greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Cases on Criminal Law, 3rd Edition by Rupert Cross, D.C.L. and P. Asterley Jones, LL.B.

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 210
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Journal of African Law – Special Number on African Legal Education: Edited by H. N. Allott

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 210