


  • Journal Result

  • Article

    Section 30 of Singapore Income Tax Act – The Forgotten Vassal

    Citation: [1973] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Honorable Mr. Philips’ Minute on The Landed Tenures of Prince of Wales’ Island, dated 15th August, 1823

    Citation: [1975] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Law of Legitimacy in Singapore

    Citation: [1976] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Twenty One Years of the Faculty of Law, University of Singapore: Reflections of the Dean

    Citation: [1977] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Honourable Mr. Justice A.V. Winslow

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Liberty and Law in Singapore

    Citation: [1979] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Judgments in Foreign Currencies

    Citation: [1980] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Sentencing in Singapore

    Citation: [1981] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Precedents That Bind – A Gordion Knot: Stare Decisis in the Federal Court of Malaysia and the Court of Appeal, Singapore

    Citation: [1982] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Forgery and Material Alterations under the Bills of Exchange Act

    Citation: [1983] Sing JLS 1
    Bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes are among the earlier types of negotiable instruments which acquired popular usage. In recent years, new instruments possessing the characteristics of negotiable instruments have made their appearance. The value of each of these instruments stems from the mandate or promise embodied in the instrument. Being negotiable securities, they are easy targets for fraud and forgery. This article examines the legal consequences flowing from forgery and material alterations to instruments embodied in the Bills of Exchange Act.