Why Give

  • Why Give

Why Make A Gift?

Your Gift Makes a Difference

With a rich heritage spanning over 60 years, NUS Law is one of the finest law schools in the world and is widely regarded as Asia’s leading law school. Your donation will support our efforts to continue offering the best legal education possible, while ensuring that no deserving student is left behind. From individually-tailored financial aid, to world-class teaching and research, to a diverse range of programmes and experiential learning opportunities – your generosity enables us to achieve all this and more.

Change Lives, Maximise Potential

More than 10% of NUS Law students require financial aid annually. As we strive for greater inclusion and diversity in our student population, your gift will invest in the lives and futures of financially disadvantaged students, encouraging them to make the most of the opportunities available to them.

Create a Ripple Effect

All eligible gifts from a private entity will be matched by the government. In addition, every gift contributes to a culture of giving, inspiring recipients to pay it forward by helping others when they have the means.

Create a Legacy

To recognise the generosity of our donors, NUS offers naming opportunities. You can make a gift to honour individuals such as mentors or loved ones, corporations or foundations. View past named gifts here.

Receive Tax Benefits

Singapore tax-residents will enjoy a tax deduction that is equivalent to 2.5 times the gift value. When the tax deduction is more than your taxable income for the year, the donor (whether individual or companies) may carry forward the unutilised deductions for a maximum of 5 years. Donors (companies) must satisfy the shareholding test as defined in the Income Tax Act of Singapore.


Ready to make your gift?

Give now or contact us to discuss your gift idea.